
Ekklavya’s Philosophy

  • Brahma represents the forces of Creation.
  • Vishnu represents the forces of Preservation, and
  • Shiva represents the forces of Destruction.

However the three deities and forces are incomplete without their corresponding consorts :

Brahma is married to Sarasvati, the goddess of Learning and knowledge.
Vishnu is married to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity fortune and beauty.
Shiva is married to Parvathi, who represents courage and risk-taking (she married Lord Shiva who came down from Mount Kailash and had a snake wrapped around his neck!)
about eklavya
Male Deity
Primary Role Associated with …
Female Deity
Creator ← → Learning & Knowledge
Preserver  ← → Wealth
Destroyer ← → Risk
Vishnu Lakshmi
Shiva Parvati

What does this mean in a business context? In any business we need to constantly decide what we will preserve, what we will create and what we will eliminate. The concept of eliminating that which you think is no longer relevant is what we think of as Shiva. But just as Shiva is always in action trying to take things out of the business, there’s Vishnu who is always vigilant to that which is working fine, and therefore must be maintained. Naturally, Vishnu will be in conflict with Shiva quite often. Once something is eliminated, you’ve created space, and that allows Brahma to create. Shiva will watch closely, asking, “Is this creation worth it?" Vishnu will look at it and ask, "Is this creation something that I can even preserve? It is the constant engagement of these three that helps organizations to benefit from change.

The three diverse personifications of cosmic forces namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva synergize to complete the universal cycle of creation, preservation and eventually, productive destruction or transformation. This concept of Trimurti is reflected in Ekklavya’s ecosystem where :

  • The Brahma clan: Creating the future
  • The Vishnu clan: Preserving or managing the present
  • The Shiva clan: Destroying or selectively abandoning the past

It was necessary to have these concepts ingrained in the culture of Ekklavya as an organization. The aspect of having different folks associate themselves with the different forces (based on their natural propensities) and forming clans along these themes became one way of making this a core part of our culture and operating model.

From client’s perspective, the automation solutions designed for them too will follow the above concepts. :

  • The Brahma clan : Creating the future by the development of effective and efficient solution that automates the routine working processes at the same time providing ‘live’ information for management for planning and pro-active decision making.
  • The Vishnu clan : Preserving or managing the present methods, checks and functionalities that have been created and improvised over a number of years by seniors with their experience and wisdom and valuable intelligence. The new automated solution must and should maintain the unique specialization and local issues by providing special customizations, at the same time, forging standardization and integration of all branches/sections without limiting the flexibility.

The Shiva clan : Destroying or selectively abandoning the past working that is at variance with set standards, and eliminating process redundancies identified after automation.

In this manner, we guarantee our customers success, which itself depends on a variety of key factors and initiatives by incorporating into our automation solution, the functional courses or programs as well as the maintenance strategies that are critical components of their overall methodology.